• Question: What is the best part of your day? And why?

    Asked by maisycrazy to Matthew, Neil, Paula, Pete, Philippa on 11 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Pete Symons

      Pete Symons answered on 11 Mar 2015:

      Hi maisycrazy,

      The morning, when I get into work, so I can get my coffee and see what challenges the day will bring when I’m reading through my emails.

    • Photo: Neil Taylor

      Neil Taylor answered on 11 Mar 2015:

      Hi maisycrazy!

      The best part of my day is lunchtime. I think it’s a great time to have a chat with workmates and talk about what we’re all working on… and talk about non-work related stuff too!

    • Photo: Philippa Jefferis

      Philippa Jefferis answered on 12 Mar 2015:

      When I have the realisation that I’ve cracked a particularly difficult problem. Often I am working with others, so it’s really enjoyable when we all sit there and nod saying “Yes, that’s it!”

      However, this may not happen every day, and so a cup of tea at 3pm is a guaranteed way to give me a boost.
