• Question: Do you have a particular favourite sub-topic you like to work in? And why? :3

    Asked by maisycrazy to Matthew, Neil, Paula, Pete, Philippa on 11 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Neil Taylor

      Neil Taylor answered on 11 Mar 2015:


      “Materials” is a sub-topic that I really enjoy. I love learning about all the different types of materials that are out there, what their strengths and weaknesses are, and why they are used!

      I also have a general interest in energy (e.g. renewables , nuclear), and also the idea of designing new cities to make sure that they are as energy-efficient as possible. I’m interested in these topics because I think that the biggest challenges that will face engineers in the future will be generating energy and conserving energy.

    • Photo: Pete Symons

      Pete Symons answered on 11 Mar 2015:

      Hi Maisy,

      I really enjoy Human Factors (if that is a sub topic), this is about how we make mistakes and errors and trying to account for the way that we make common mistakes and trying to design systems to account for this.

      Have you ever tried to push a door that you needed to pull? Have you ever tried to work a washing machine, microwave etc which you can’f figure out how to do the most basic thing like power something for 10 seconds? I have all the time! and I have come to realise its not my fault, designers of products don’t always think about the user and making life easier for us and they should!!

    • Photo: Philippa Jefferis

      Philippa Jefferis answered on 15 Mar 2015:


      I am only just starting in my career, and have enjoyed getting experience in lots of different areaa. I have yet to decide which sub-area I want to work in as have enjoyed learning lots of new things. However, I am technically in a sub-topic now as my focus is on Highways – but I could get even more specialist and look at drainage of highways. I’ve yet to decide!
