• Question: If you could make anything with any technology what would you make and why?

    Asked by asdfghjkl to Matthew, Neil, Paula, Pete, Philippa on 17 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Neil Taylor

      Neil Taylor answered on 17 Mar 2015:

      Hi ELLIE!

      I think I would invent a technology that would allow an unlimited, carbon-free source of energy that could be widely distributed!

      One of the biggest challenges that will face as engineers (and as a people!)in the future is going to be generating and conserving energy. This invention would help solve a lot of problems!

      Although deep down, I’d like to make an Ironman suit like Tony Stark. that would be awesome 😀

      Hope this helps!

    • Photo: Pete Symons

      Pete Symons answered on 19 Mar 2015:

      Hi asdfghkl,

      I reckon that a teleporter would be probably be one of the most awesome things you could invent. I’m not sure about the wider ramifications of easy teleportation, terrorism for example would be high on the list of bad things but I’ve always wanted to travel, so to do travelling without the long boring journeys would be great!!
